Пожалуйста, помогите проверить, есть ли в этом тексте ошибки. Больше всего интересует построение предложений, согласование времён.
Hi. Now I'm going to tell you about the guru of building relationships. Dale Carnegey. When I read his book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" I was really impressed. Then I tried it in practice and was impressed more than earlier. It really works. So I'll tell you to my mind the most important parts of this.
The main idea that Dale Carnegey was trying is to be positive. First of all to be nice and positive. No negative. No rage, jealous or something like that. Carnegy just trying to make you think some other way. He doesn't want you to lie or be hypocrite like thinking this and saying that.
Indeed, if everyone read this book and tried to use the principles that he propagands, this world could be much better.
So, some advice from this book:
First of all: be good listener. Everyone wants to speak just about themselves. Always you'll be more excited by speaking about yourself, not about your interlocutor. It's okey. It's our nature. We just want to assert ourself. BUT. If you find in yourself strength to listen, you will get more respect for helping you interlocutor to asset himself.
Talk in the terms of the other man's interest. When you next time will going to speak to someone try to think about person's hobbies, interests or something and start conversation about it. Interlocutor will be very glad to tell you about the new Shevrolett concept or new book of Harry Potter series.
And the Third:
Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely. Really. Sincerely. When someone looks great, tell him about it. Don't keep it. If someone really good in something, say it. And it will be REALLY good if you pay a compliment to a person in public. It will rise your reputation for this person very high. And, by the way, don't criticize person in public, if you don't want enemies.
Thanks for attention.
Все возможные выпады типа "ничерта не знаешь английский, оставьте, пожалуйста, при себе.
да, это речь
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