Please, disable guest account (anonimous user) at QnA or ensure moderation 24x7.
Dear developers of Google Q&A.
Please, disable guest account (anonymous user).
Alexey aka KrasivayaSvo
My not want gests! My friend suffer. Pleese take away gests. Dear Greg, your clever, kill oll gests!
А как же "Google Техподдержка?"
Насчет гостей и модерации уж лучше промолчу, кроме всяких факов ничего на ум не идет :)
Dear Mr. Coladonato with team of the Google Q&A,
thanks for a development and a support of the Google Q&A in Russia.
We are small bugs in your grand experiment, but we have big problems with order on the Q&A.
Your hospitality knows no borders on this service.
Idiomatic expressions (for example, "fuck you", "bitch" and etc. in russian versions) and stupid questions from Guests on this service is not good for a decency face of the Q&A.
It's don't show Google from a good side.
The Q&A fall in mud with anonymous guests.
We need your help for moderating on the Q&A (in "24x7" mode) OR|AND excluding of guests...
I think that may be to remove the right of community (Q&A) questions of Guest.
Я думаю, что может быть дать право сообществу (ВиО) удалять вопросы Гостя.
Please, disable guest account (anonimous user) at QnA or ensure moderation 24x7
Dear Google, please disable this stupid guest account.
1% of guest questions is helpful, but 99% registered users are tired by 99% of guests.
Can you give them only 3-5 questions per hour? Or another way to stop this flood . . .
Please, disable guest account (anonimous user) at QnA or ensure moderation 24x7
Account "Guest" require premoderation. Not postmoderation!
Don’t WORRY. Life is life!
We are animals, thus we eat!
we want premoderation for questions from guest account
17 лет назад