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We all hope for warm and sunny weather at the weekend or during our holidays. The majority of our planned activities are based on what the weather will be like, so it is important to know ahead of time what to expect. These days, meteorologists, with the help of modern day technology, are able to use satellite information to tell us what the weather forecast will be all around the world.
It wasn't always so easy, though. In the old days people that relied on the weather in order to do their job needed to find ways to predict what might happen. Sailors and farmers began developing techniques to figure out what the winds might do or whether any rain might be on the way. They used everything around them, including watching the clouds, observing the behaviour of animals and inspecting plants and the soil.
Over the years many sayings, rhymes, anecdotes and stories w'ere developed to help people prepare themselves for weather events. Many of these sayings are still used today and seem to be accurate in predicting some weather events.
So, next time you want to plan a weekend away, make sure you check out the sky the night before and watch your family pet to see if the weather will be agreeable or not!
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