1. Samsung извлекает огромную пользу из осуществления деятельности в различных странах.
Samsung benefits from doing business in different countries
Samsung benefit from operating in different countries
Samsung benefits doing business in different countries
Samsung benefits from operating in different countries
2. Все больше и больше стран вовлекают в сферу деятельности компании Samsung.
More countries are involved in Samsung’s operations
More and more countries are involving in Samsung’s operations
More and more countries involved in Samsung’s operations
More and more countries are involved in Samsung’s operations
3. Здание является головным офисом компании Лукойл.
The building is the head office of the Company
The building the headquarters of the Lukoi Company
The building is the headquarters of the Lukoil Company
The building is the head offise of the Lukoil Company
4. Пусть наш молодой коллега поделится своим представлением о том, как будет выглядеть город будущего.
Let our junior colleague describe his vision of what the city of the future will look like
Let our junior colleague describe his vision of what the city of the future look like
Let our junior colleague describe his vision of what the city of the future will
Let our junior colleague describes his vision of what the city of the future will look like
5. Compared with other restaurants offer greater degrees of ___.
Service collaboration
Service graduation
Service sophistication
6. Начальник отдела маркетинга не одинаково относится к своим сотрудникам.
The chief of the marketing department do not take the same attitude to his employees
The head of the marketing department does not take the same attitude to his employees
The chief of the marketing department does not take the same attitude to his employees
The head of the department does not take the same attitude to his employees
7. Bне всякого сомнения компанию можно считать глобальной.
Without doubt the company could be identified as global
Without doubt company could be identified as global
Without doubt the company can be identify as global
Without doubt the company can be identified as global
8. Если какая-либо национальная компания становится глобальной, то ее национальная принадлежность постепенно исчезает.
If a local company become global, its nationality begins to disappear gradually
If a local company becomes global, its nationality begins to disappear gradually
If a local company becomes global, its nationality begin to disappear gradually
If local company become global, its nationality begins to disappear gradually
9. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы стали президентом компании, а не ваш конкурент.
I would you to become the company’s president rather than your rival
I would you to become the company’s president rather that your rival
I would you to become the company’s chairman rather than your competitor
I like you to become the company’s president rather than your rival
10. Ничто не стоит на месте.
Nothing can stand still
Nothing cans stand still
Anything stand still
Nothing can stands still
11. компания Боинг считается одной из крупнейших производителей авиалайнеров в мире.
The Boeing company is considered to be one of the world’s largest aircraft makers
Boeing company is considered to be one of the world’s largest aircraft makers
The Boeing company is considered to be one of the world largest aircraft makers
The Boeing company is consider to be one of the world’s largest aircraft makers
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