The growing demand for instant data have resulted in the invention of electronic computers for processing records. Electronic computers can handle great amount of information rapidly and accurately. Without computers the development of many spheres would be impossible. We know electronic computers to be used in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. Numerical programmed control machine tools penetrate into all branches of machine-building.
Specialists in cybernetics have developed self-learning machines capable of solving the problems set by men. These self-learning cybernetic systems can collect various data, analyse them and perform certain operations as a result of their analysis. Moreover, they are able to produce qualitatively new information.
Factories equipped with automatic machine toels, transfer lines and management information systems use robotics. Modern robots are expected to fulfil many auxiliary operations which must be precise and quick. A robot must be coupled in design with other equipment to set up robotized complexes and flexible production. Flexible production systems consist of several machine tools with numerical programmed control or processing machine centres equipped with microprocessors. Many robots are fitted with artificial intellect systems, special programming devices and electronic controllers.
So, the creation of efficient automatic control systems deals with computer science, cybernetics and robotics; industry, scientific research, designing, planning, statistics and management being the fields of their application.
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