Не получается установить DirectX. Сбой установки. В чем проблема и как решить?
В DXError.log:
[08/08/12 16:19:54] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: dxwsetup.cpp, line: 352, function: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine
Failed API: SetAction()
Error: (0x80070057) - Параметр задан неверно.
[08/08/12 16:19:54] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: psheets.cpp, line: 705, function: PreinstDlgProc
CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.
В DirectX.log:
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: ***** DXWSETUP *****
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: WinMain()
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: IsIA64(): not IA64.
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): This may be a older DirectX which does not have the version value in the registry.
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: DirectX Version:
08/08/12 16:19:49: DXWSetup: Setup Version:
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup()
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate()
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x2, SubStatus = 0x0
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: OnStartInstall(): DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0, str = %DirectX_Setup%
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = %DirectX_Setup%, status = 0x0
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: OnStopInstall(): hr = 0x0, str = (null), status = 0x0
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: WM_APP_DOWNLOADDXUPDATE
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine()
08/08/12 16:19:52: DXWSetup: Use string section : [Strings.RUS]
08/08/12 16:19:53: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
08/08/12 16:19:54: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
08/08/12 16:19:54: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): This may be a older DirectX which does not have the version value in the registry.
08/08/12 16:19:54: DXWSetup: DXVersion:
08/08/12 16:19:54: DXWSetup: Install Section: [ments\RAD Studio\9.0\Bpl\Win64;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Fi]
08/08/12 16:19:54: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine(): SetAction() failed, error = 0x80070057.
08/08/12 16:19:54: DXWSetup: PreinstDlgProc(): CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.
08/08/12 16:19:54: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDDOWNLOAD
08/08/12 16:19:55: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::~CDXWSetup()
08/08/12 16:19:57: DXWSetup: CreatePropertySheet() returns -9.
08/08/12 16:19:57: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll.
08/08/12 16:19:57: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll.
через dxwebsetup..Также пробовал с диска с игрой.