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In these articles the author tells about Clinical Thermometer; EXPANSION OF SOLIDS, LIQUIDS AND GASES; HEAT. Clinical Thermometer. is a maximum thermometer constructed to read temperatures between 95° and 110°F. It is used by doctors to record the temperature of a patient's blood. The normal temperature of human blood is 98.4° F and changes of 2°F in temperature indicate that the patient is not in normal health. In article about EXPANSION OF SOLIDS, LIQUIDS AND GASES the author tells about expansion more SOLIDS body. The author says that many everyday observations which tell us that solids expand when heated and contract when they cool. The metal rails on the railway lines are laid with small gaps between rails to allow for expansion in hot weather. Telegraph wires sag more in summer than in winter, an effect which we see more clearly in overhead electric cables as they are connected longer distances between supports. In final article HEAT the author tells that We spend considerable sums of money every year to buy heat. We buy it in the form of coal, gas and electricity for the house, and as petrol for the car. In the article the author gives the description of experiments with which help it is possible to check up the given physical phenomena. I think these articles will be useful to people who study physics.

Если можно просто скопируйте к себе исправьте и вставьте обратно уже исправленный вариант.

Вторая строка ...and changes of 2oF in temperature... -> ...if temperature is higher than 100.4oF it indicates that the patient is not in normal health.
Вторая-третья ...about expansion more... -> ...about expansion OF more...
Третья ... which tell us... -> which tellS us...
Далее ... that solids expand... -> that soliD expandS...
Там же ...when they cool... -> ...when they ARE cool... или ...when they'RE cool...
Третья ... to allow for expansion... -> to allow expansion... (не надо for)
==В четвертой строке фраза We spend ... to buy heat. надо в кавычки. И все слова заглавными буквами тоже "обкавычь"
Пятая строка ...physical phenomena... -> ...physical phenomens...
Шестая ...useful to people who study... -> ...useful FOR people who studies...
==Заглавными показал, на что надо обратить внимание

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